Spring in Archeon

Spring in Archeon

13/02/2021 - 28/02/2021

Spring in Archeon

Spring break 13 to 28 February
Open daily 11am - 5pm
(except Monday 15 and 22 February)

Roam through prehistory, come very close to the Romans, discover the Roman Museum and dive into the Middle Ages. Step in the middle of history and discover how it used to be. The buildings, cabins and houses have really stood in our country or are still there. Visit the Roman Museum and discover the real finds from South Holland.

Go on a journey: far back in time to the camp of the hunter-gatherers. Here you get to know the hunter and discover how they lived. In the beautiful mesohut you can see how people used to live. Then you continue to the first farmers, the bronze age and the Iron Age.

Roman time
In the Roman town there is a bathhouse, a temple and a Roman inn. You can also participate in many activities such as: exercise, Roman massage, making a fibula or the herbal quest.

Middle Ages
You live in the medieval town of Gravendam in the 14th century. In the craft houses you work hard and you can visit the woodworker, the baker or the blacksmith. You can also get started with a felt bracelet, sword fighting or archery. In conclusion everyone can still play around in the playground or the maze.

Roman Museum
During the introduction film you will be taken on a journey through the history of our country. Then proceed as a real archaeologist on the various laboratory tables. Investigate real archaeological pottery and touch skeletal material from animals. Many Roman finds from Alphen aan den Rijn tell the story of the soldiers, but also of the local residents. Discover how the Romans wrote (and try it yourself), see what kind of weapons they carried and what they paid for.

Zwammerdam Restoration Yard
Visit the Zwammerdam Restauratiewerf and follow the work on the Zwammerdam ships. The restoration yard also has a nice exhibition about the Zwammerdam ships, the Roman limes and the restoration.

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