OpenArch 2011-2015

OpenArch 2011-2015

OpenArch is a project with 11 partners spread across Europe. Through funds made available by the EU Culture Programme, the partners organize common activities during the 5 years of the project. Through seminars, conferences, staff exchanges and other products, they seek to improve the visitor experience in Archaeological Open-Air Museums (AOAM).

To divide the work equally, the project has been split into 7 Work Packages (WP). Archeon is coordinating the WP that deals with the Dialogue with the Visitor.

More information can be found on Curious about Archeon’s contribution? Then click here. (

From 2011 onwards, Archeon has contributed to and organized various activities. Twice per year, one of the partners organizes and international conference. Archeon has sent employees to each of these conferences and seminars, to learn what is happening in the museum world on an international scale, and share experiences. In april 2013, Archeon organized their own conference and seminar, with great success. Lectures and workshop on a scale of subjects gave the attendants new inspiration on how to improve the visitor experience. The intercultural dialogue of the attendants and lecturers gave rise to new ideas and insights, which were spread among the partners.

To assure this knowledge would not be lost, Archeon is preparing a publication that will give all AOAM in Europe the possibility to acquaint themselves with the results of the OpenArch project.  Through an instruction manual, museum employees can acquire new insights in the visitor experience and how to improve it. Through the OpenArch website, such products are presented and disseminated.

Another means to exchange ideas is through Staff Exchanges. Museum employees are sent from one partner to another so that they can acquire new insights. In 2014 alone there were 3 such staff exchanges, with a total of 7 Archeon employees - Foteviken in Sweden (, Viminacium in Serbia ( and Archäologisch-Ökologisches Zentrum Albersdorf (AÖZA) in Germany ( There were as many staff exchanges again from the partners to Archeon.

The third pillar that the project rests on is science. Open-air museums have a commitment to do research. The unique opportunities offered by open-air museum make it especially interesting to perform experimental archaeology. In cooperation with universities such as the University of Exeter (, scientist try to figure out how people used to live by reproducing archaeological and historical finds and using them as we think they were used in the past. For instance, Archeon organized workshops on the ancient craft of charcoal burning, which was very significant for the production of metals.

In 2015 the OpenArch project will come to an end. Through this project, Archeon has managed to show that it presents more than local history, but is part of a European story.

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