Activity tour / technique tour

Activity tour / technique tour

Activity tour

Under the supervision of an Archeotolk, your students will become acquainted with the working and living of prehistoric hunters, Roman soldiers and / or medieval artisans. Students get started with various activities such as archery, felting, sword fighting, pulling dolmen, face painting, making fire, making fibula (Roman ornament), making a candle, Roman massage and exercising.

  • Activity tour is a supplement to the school travel arrangement
  • Cost per tour € 89,50
  • A maximum of 20 students can participate per tour
  • You can reserve multiple tours per era (prehistoric times, Roman times and Middle Ages)
  • Activity tour can be reserved from 10.15 am to 11.45 am and / or 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm
  • Reserving a school trip with Activity tour here: reservation form

Technique tour

Under the guidance of a Roman Archeotolk, you and your students will become acquainted with the special history of the Roman border 'the Limes' in South Holland. Discover 10 techniques developed by the Romans: sawing wood, forging iron, waterproofing, boating, hoisting, surveying, driving, road building, bridge building, projectile shooting.

  • Technique tour as a supplement to the school travel arrangement
  • Cost per tour € 89,50
  • A maximum of 15 students can participate per tour
  • Especially for groups 7 and 8 of primary school and 1st class of high school
  • You can reserve the technique tour from 10.15 am to 11.45 am and / or 12.30 pm to 2.00 pm
  • Reserving a school trip with technique tour here: reservation form

Activity Tour

Under the supervision of an Archeotolk, the students are introduced to the working and living history of prehistoric hunters, Roman soldiers and / or medieval artisans. The tours include different activities.

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Schooltrip lunch

Complete your schooltrip and enjoy a well-cared-for lunch with the class such as delicious French fries with mayo and organic chicken nuggets.

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Reserve schooltrip

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